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Summer break for VALTER Phase 2

Summer break for VALTER Phase 2

With a rich data set gathered during the two stimulation cycles of the reservoir engineering phase (Phase 2), the VALTER project team now leaves for the summer break. Further stimulations of Phase 2 are scheduled for autumn.

After having conducted experimental stimulations in June and July, the VALTER team is pausing Phase 2 until the end of the summer. This time will be used to continue analysing the wealth of data that has been gathered and also allow team members to get a rest. The VALTER team is particularly interested in gaining a better understanding of the tiny, induced earthquakes that occurred within the reservoir and further away. Such events were expected to happen, however, exploring their occurrence in more detail is exactly what is needed to advance our understanding of the behaviour of the deep underground when stimulated in the context of a geothermal reservoir.