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Mangia e Cammina at the BedrettoLab

Mangia e Cammina at the BedrettoLab

After a two year break, the local event Mangia e Cammina finally took place yesterday. For the first time, the BedrettoLab had the honor to be part of it and opened its doors once again for the public.

Mangia e Cammina attracted 1’300 visitors who hiked along a route through the Bedretto Valley, where several alps offered specialties from the region. The BedrettoLab was one destination on the Mangia e Cammina parkour and opened its doors for guided tours. Around 50 people walked additional 5 km trough the tunnel to visit  the BedrettoLab. In front of the tunnel, the BedrettoLab team and several helpers from ETH Zurich and SUPSI set up several booths where visitors could play a rock game, admire a small rock and mineral exhibition, see how a seismic station works or play an entertaining “snakes & ladders” game.

The event was an excellent occasion after a longer Covid related break to show our laboratory to the public.