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Construction start for a new side-tunnel of the Bedretto tunnel

Construction start for a new side-tunnel of the Bedretto tunnel

This week marks a new chapter for the BedrettoLab, as we start the construction of a 125m long new side tunnel. Situated about 400 meters behind the geothermal testbed (TM 2000 - 2100), this side tunnel is a crucial part of the Fault Activation and Earthquake Rupture (FEAR) project.

The research conducted in the tunnel will primarily focus on earthquake physics, benefiting from its close proximity to a natural fault zone. With the new side tunnel, ETH Zurich will maintain a worldwide unique research facility for earthquake research.

After about three months, the construction will be interrupted for an engineering research project (Precode), which focusses on how the surrounding rock mass responds to the tunneling itself. The expected completion date for the tunnel is January 2025.

The construction cost of 2.5 million CHF is covered by the FEAR EU Synergy Grant. The tunnel excavation is carried out by ARGE Consorzio Cristallina (Ennio Ferrari SA and Infra Tunnel SA).