Logo Bedretto Lab and logo ETH Zurich
2017-01-01 - 2021-12-31

Bedretto Reservoir Project (BRP)

Currently, the largest project at the Bedretto Lab is the Bedretto Reservoir Project. It encompasses three sub-projects with complementary targets for the development of a large-scale deep reservoir for the circulation of water and the storage and extraction of geothermal energy:

  3. ZoDrEx

The leaders of the SCCER-SoE, VALTER, DESTRESS and ZoDrEx projects decided to implement the parts of their projects that concern the Bedretto Lab in close collaboration. This allows them to optimize the use of resources and exploit synergies, for example the common use of monitoring systems, shared access to boreholes and reduced mobilization and installation costs (e. g. drilling).

Predecessor of the Bedretto Reservoir Project: Grimsel ISC

Tags: past project